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You Asked, We Answered

The following is a carefully thought-out and curated list of the questions that several customers have asked in the past. If you have a question for us, please go through our list before getting in touch. If you still can’t find the answers you’re looking for, please contact us directly and someone on the team will be happy to assist you.


Do I need a carbon monoxide alarm?

Carbon Monoxide is a silent Killer! Annually in the UK 200 people are killed or become seriously ill due to Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. The symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning are similar too and often confused with the flu. The symptoms include Headaches, Stomach Pains, Drowsiness, Nausea, Dizziness and General Lethargy.
We strongly recommend a Carbon Monoxide Alarm is installed.

Keeping your fires burning

Hard wood or soft?

Hardwood is best in your stove as it burns slower. The density of softwood is around half that of hardwood which results in it burning twice as fast.

Meaning you will need twice as much.

Remember to burn the right stuff.
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